Local Subsidy Programs
Child Care Subsidy Program
Applications for care services are accepted statewide, year-round.
Apply online at ChildCareSubsidyApplication.dhs.hawaii.gov
Child Care Subsidy Unit
94-275 Mokuola Street, Room 105
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
Phone: (855) 643-1643
Email: HawaiiCCSU@dhs.hawaii.gov
Preschool Open Doors Program (POD)
Provides monthly preschool tuition subsides to qualified families, up to TWO years prior to kindergarten. Parents may choose a DHS licensed preschool. Income eligibility limits apply.
560 North Nimitz Hwy, Suite 218
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 791-2930 or (808) 839-1988
Email: podadmin@pacth-hi.org
Pauahi Keiki Scholars Program
Services for children 3-4 years old of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Preschool program must be approved by Kamehameha Schools. Applications are accepted August through December of each year.
Phone: (808) 534-8080
Email: ksrc@ksbe.edu
Website: ksbe.edu/finaid
Parenting Resources
Kathy’s Parenting Solutions
Kathy Bently is a nationally recognized parent educator and owner of Kathy’s Parenting Solutions.
Email: kathybentley808@gmail.com
Patch Hawaii
560 North Nimitz Hwy, Suite 218
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: (808) 839-1988
Email: patch@patch-hi.org